Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Still Here But Pre-Occupied

I have been preoccupied. But I am still here. With a son graduating from medical school, four grandsons to visit and be visited by, and making and implementing relocation plans, I have not been able to give much thought to my writing duties. But, I will be back on track with the weekly blog soon.

My son is graduating from medical school in May. Supporting him, as he gets closer to graduation, requires more travel than I had anticipated. The good news is he is our last child in school of any kind.

I have also been preoccupied with relocating. My wife and I are moving into a new phase in life. She is retiring from the education profession. We have decided to move closer to our grandsons and spend more time with them and we found there is lots of things to give attention to once you decide to move.

The time I spent with my grandsons served to remind me of how quickly our babies grow into school age children. Parent, grandparent, guardians, godparent and other who are concerned with their children’s mental and social development must constantly study their children and stay aware of each child’s level of development and modify the child’s environment to keep them challenged and interested in properly developing in the way that is right for him/her. This may include changing the toys they play with, the book you read to them, the room decoration, television shows, the recreational activities and other things that influence their thinking. My observation is that this is most important in the child’s early years.

The relocation will not have any impact on our online business, BabyStoreGiftShop.Com, a pre-selected inventory of quality baby gift for all occasions in a baby’s life. The only change will be the address and the improvements we will be making to better serve our customers.


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