Monday, January 29, 2007

Tips on Jogging stroller Selection

With spring time approaching we will see more and more jogging strollers in use. I wrote a blog on October 3, 2006, Something To Know Before Selecting Your Baby Stroller that addressed the jogging stroller along with other types of strollers. This blog provides more detail on this stroller also call a baby jogger.

With these three or four-wheeled strollers that have heavy-duty suspensions and large, air-filled tires, you can push your child while you run or jog. The air-filled tires provide a smoother ride for your baby than the solid tires and the large wheels makes it much easier for the runner to push. The long and high handlebar allows the runner more feet and leg space and is therefore safer for the runner and baby being able to avoid bumping the frame. It is important that the runner wear a wrist strap attached to the stroller to prevent the stroller from getting away from him/her should he/she falls or trip.

There is some disagreement on the appropriate minimum age for children to ride in a jogging stroller. ComsumerReport.Org says “For most jogging strollers, manufacturers typically suggest a child should be 8 weeks or older, but our medical consultants say a baby should be at least 6 months, able to sit up, and have some head support to withstand the potentially jarring ride.”

ConsumerReports.Org also provides the following Pros and Cons regarding the jogging stroller:

Pros: Jogging strollers can also be used for off-road walks (though the fixed front wheel can make them difficult to steer in non-running situations). Many jogging strollers have a longer useful life than plain strollers, often being able to accommodate children of higher weights. Several companies offer double- or even triple-strollers with total weight limits of 100 or 150 pounds, respectively.

Cons: The fixed (non-swiveling) front wheel is good for running, but can make maneuvering difficult in other situations. Some three-wheel designs may be unstable when the rear wheels are lifted over a curb. Our medical consultants advise not having your child ride while you're running until he or she is at least 6 months old, able to sit up, and have some head support to withstand the potentially jarring ride. Jogging strollers are often large and some are heavy; you may need to remove the wheel(s) to fit it into your car trunk. Bicycle-type air filled tires can go flat and require reinflating with a bicycle pump or a gas-station hose.

Other articles to help you with your baby shopping are on the Article Page at .


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