Friday, December 22, 2006

Tips On Better Baby Strollers Safety

I am back. Holiday and business activities got in the way and I found it difficult to stay on schedule with my writing activities.

Because babies are so delicate and susceptible to injuries you must think “safety” constantly until our babies are able to think “safety” for himself/herself. Many babies will be taking their first ride in their new baby strollers on Christmas and during the days immediately following. Unfortunately, given the right situation most baby product can be unsafe, and baby strollers are no exception. The purpose of this article is to remind you of a few ideas that can help you keep your babies safer while enjoying their stroller.

The following ten tips were collected to help you and your baby get more enjoyment from your baby stroller:

  1. Choose a baby stroller that has a wide base to make it more difficult to tip over.
  2. Making baby strollers safe for your baby’s hand. Babies will put their hand on anything in reach.
  3. Using a pillow, quilt, or blanket as a stroller mattress could cause the baby to suffocate.
  4. Always keep the safety belt or harness on your child while they are in the stroller. This will restrain children and prevent them from tipping.
  5. Toddlers may stand in the stroller and fall or very young babies may slip into the open leg space in a stroller. Therefore, it is never advisable to leave your baby in a stroller unattended.
  6. Always observe the manufacturer’s weight limit as well as the number of children it was designed to carry.
  7. Don’t let anyone play with your child’s stroller, especially while the child is in it.
  8. Carry bags and other items using the storage basket and never hang them in the stroller handles. This could prevent tipping over.
  9. Make sure the frame locking mechanism is engaged properly to prevent the stroller from collapsing and always use the parking brake when stopped.
  10. Keep the child away from the stroller while you are folding and unfolding it to avoid catching their fingers.

Hopefully these tips will make your experience with your baby stroller more enjoyable. For a pre-selected inventory of quality baby strollers go to


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