Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Why a Baby Crib Is a Great Choice For a Baby Bed
I am only an experienced father and grandfather. But, I think I am safe in saying if you don’t choose a place for your baby to sleep other than in your arms or your bed, you will soon regret your decision. I have seen babies allowed to sleep in their own bed from birth, grow up and have no problem transitioning to a twin or full size bed at two or three years old. I have also seen baby allowed to sleep with their parent refusing to sleep anywhere else at the age of two or three. In my opinion, two or three years are a long time to have a third person in your bed or to be concerned about rolling over on your baby. However, if you choose to have your baby sleep with you in their own bed, you should speak with your baby’s pediatrician about your baby’s safety and health concerns, including the best way to hold the child. For most of you, very early in your baby’s life, if not before your baby is born, you will probably begin considering a baby bed.

When people speak or baby beds, they usually mean infant beds. An infant, a child over one year of age, would be better prepared to stay in a bed than a younger child, however, he or she is not yet be ready for an adult bed or even a typical child’s bed. For the child under one year old, a bed is simply not a safe place for your baby to be left alone. A number of bad things can happen to a baby in a bed that’s too big. He/she could roll over and fall out of bed, or get caught in the space between the mattress and the bed frame.

The best baby bed, for a baby under one year of age, is a baby crib. Cribs have extremely tall sides. One side of the baby crib drops down so that a parent can gently place the infant into the bed while sleeping. Then the side is easily raised back up. Cribs offer two height settings for mattresses. The higher setting is for infants, and then the lower setting is for babies who are able to stand with assistance. This keeps a baby from being able to fall over the edge of the crib rail. Cradle, bassinet, or other baby furniture that would provide enough restraint to keep your baby from hurting him or herself may also be used.

Once a baby grows up to be an infant, parents might start thinking about getting an infant bed. However, until the child is around two years of age, a crib is most likely still the best option. Anyone who is considering an infant bed for a child this age should make sure it is made for children that age. Read the labels and documentation provided or if necessary contact the manufacturer.

Many parents will still choose to keep their two-year-old in cribs rather than buying infant beds. The child is still comfortable in his or her baby crib, and buying a bed would only cost more money, especially when a new bed will have to be bought in a couple of years when the child outgrows the infant bed. An alternative to buying a new bed every few years is a bed that converts to larger sizes. There are even cribs that will convert to an infant bed, than a children’s bed, and then finally a fully sized single bed.

Go to http://www.babystoregiftshop.com/ to see a pre-select inventory of quality cribs.


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